Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This post got wiped out when I got d/c while posting it. So the du lan me is going to remember as much as possible and re-write it, too tired to think again.

The original post is about 10 times the length. I got lazy.

Floor organize fishing trip. 25 ppl turn up.

The long duno-what-it-is-call.

Our boat.

Our real boat.


Lazy me sit and wait.

Hooked up 1 fish, but got away before I could get it.

One stretch of hook with no bait.
Why fish will want bite?
Many bit.
Stupid fish.
The one that I fought 2 days ago more clever.

Owner cook squid, taste alright.
Not very exciting trip, but something different.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you sure there's enuff food for so many of you...?