This was the path that I hiked today, but it became more than just a simple hike.
It all started at this temple. While I was walking from 油塘 to 調景嶺, I saw this temple and felt a calling from it. So I went in, and this old lady told me :"Through the mountains, through the seas, each step brings you to the haven's ring."
So I thought, ok.. I don't understand you.. and I continued my way to the next MTR stop.
While walking on the Wilson Trail, which spans over a few mountains, I decided to go up 砲台山, since it was on the way.
At the beginning, I thought that this was just a normal mountain. But after following a small hidden trail, I got up to this place that used to be some cannon holder or strategic position I guess.
Thats the fun of walking around and bashing into places.
The used-to-be army hideout.
There was another road leading from this trail that lead to the other peak of this mountain, and although the scenery was not breathtaking. It just compelled me to sit at the top of the mountain and just relax. The scenery was great, but the cold wind is even more fantastic. I dun think I am able to describe them in my limited vocabulary in english. Maybe I'll write about it in chinese sometime later.
Just had to put this up ..haha
After the mountain, it was moutains of tombs in the cemetry. I tried walking over the moutain to hit the other side where the MTR was. But it was impossible, the way down the moutain was too steep and covered by dense forest. If only I had a parang with me.
This was the only spot that I could take picture due to a path on it. The rest of my bashing through the forest was so difficult that I did not even had the extra hand to pull out my camp.
This was when i thought :"Shit, this is getting similar to when I was in Brunei"
The cemetry was so big that I walked round and round and couldn't find the way to the next MTR.
This was when I took out my map and found out that the road on this cemetry is a roundabout. There is only one way in and one way out.
I guess they get alot of people lost here if they decided to even put that banner up.
I din wanted to walk back to the previous MTR, and I remembered the old lady's words "Through the mountains, through the seas, each step brings you to the haven's ring." It was a destiny, and I was the one. I'll have to find my way and reach my next destination by foot.
Then I saw this small beach. I remember studying it in Geography during Secondary.
Its a small stretch of rocks being exfoliated or whatever and became a sand filled area.
So I thought to myself, since the land route has forsaken me, I shall get to my destination through the sea route.
So I climbed my way down and followed the stream. It is like they say, always follow the stream and you will get to the sea(or civilization).
And just like before, I was busy ducking from low hanging trees and climbing over fallen logs, and had no time to take out my camera for those.
After resting for a while, I surveyed the terrain to look for possible route through the coastal area.
Ok, so I have to climb over these rocks, to get to the other side.
Rock climbing session it shall be then. I love these stuff if you din know. Either I am born with it, or being scouts in primary school made me into it.
I thought of moses, whose into rock climbing now, whose also my scout buddy during primary school. Guess we are the same kinda people, always looking for thrills in our mundane life. Hey dude, if you are reading this, been long since we met up, organize something when I'm back k?
You think about lotsa stuff when you are 4 storeys high and clinging to a piece of rock.
Oh, while I was relaxing at the beach. I saw an old man fishing. Actually, I wun call that fishing. He basically took out his fishing rod, threw the bait into the sea, and when I thought he was about to sit down and wait, he pulled back his fishing rod and a fish was at its end.
I was like *O*... ya... exactly like the face you see here...
He must be some fishing saint or whatever, but as I did not had knowledge of the language of Saints, I just smiled at him. After getting his 1st fish, he kept his rod and stuff and moved on. He was agile in climbing those rocks, so I followed his footing to get up the cliffs faster. Then he got to another spot and did his feat again... I was like orz (if you duno what orz means, it means that you are not geekish enough)
After that I went on my journey and did not see him fishing again.
This white rope helped me climbed pass one of the cliff. Without it, I would been stucked and had to take a detour.
Not sure how I got this pic, but this pic shows how high and steep(its actually vertical) the cliff was.
Imagine Cliffhanger, but not that extreme.
After climbing though a series of I-duno-what-they-call-it, I finally reached a flat ground and saw civilazation.
During my journey to the haven, I battle countless foes that weaken my body, but my soul fought on and hardened with each scar on me.
This cunning fish tried to lure me into the sea so as to eat me up. But got tricked by me instead. When it came up the shore, I threw sand onto its eyes and rolled it on the beach. It suffocated and spit out cookies and tomatoes, then died.
The tree beside it is a palm tree, scale it and you can roughly gauge how huge it was.
While I was resting on the cliff, 2 frogs jumped out of the sea and ambushed me. I fought hard and fought well to down these creatures. When they were about to die, they crawled towards each other and hugged till they died. I think they are gays.
The last frog attacke me after seeing his underlings failed. I picked up a light and shaft it straight into its lung, and he gas-choked to death.
A small cut by the rock that I was clinging to, 5 minutes before everything ended.
It would have been perfect and no injury record if not for this cut...meh...
My legs got burned by the tissue-eating-venom-sea of poison when I failed a double leap.
There was this piece of rock that would only surface when the swash is gone. So I had 1 second to jump on the rock and jumped again to reached the other side of the cliff.
But I failed. And for that I have to pay. With a salty wet jeans for the rest of this week.
And finally, I saw this place. It was shining in gold aura when I saw it.
And I knew at that moment, that the prophecy was true.
It was indeed a "haven".
haha i think this is a pretty good post
im terribly amused by the turn of your story on the fish, and gay frogs :D seemed like a nice climb too ~ skg
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