This was pretty long ago, but benny organized a hotpot(steamboat) dinner at his hall, which happens to be a castle in the past.
The lower level used to be cells and torture chamber for the prisoners.
Looks creepy in this pic huh?
Oh yar, there is these 2 stone lion or qi ling sculpture at the stairs.
There is 2 myths to it. The 1st was that whoever touches it dies. The 2nd was that whoever touches it will not be able to have children.
I wanted to take pics of it but benny said I better not, and so I listened. But when I got home , I found them inside the pictures though.
And so we went in. The first impression that came to me "Is this a museum?
There was head sculptures, paintings and well lighted corridors, as in the pictures here.
It looks like the dormitory in Harry Potter, from images of the trailer, since I dun like movies about young boys and girls flying around.
We then got to the dining hall for out hotpot
Pretty grand for a dining hall eh.
They are my carnivorous classmates from Surveying, posing with only the big basket of vegetables left after the meal.
Here's the underground level.
Imagine you are to sleep in a room alone, and had to walk this long corridor to take a piss in the middle of the night...
you get to buy coke along the way to the toilet, how cool is that.
This is their multipurpose room, and indeed it is multipurpose.
There is table-tennis....
Wii and PS2...
and a 40 inch? or just a big TV that I din remember the size of it.
So after the great meal, we decided to watch AV.
Yup, 5 guys watching AV.
Its not a bad movie though, pretty entertaining and educational..
No... its not about sex education, it talks about life and how we suppose to live in the modern society.
I would not have watched it if it was all about pornstars
ya... really...
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