Indeed it was good, but still not worth HKD$12 each.
But I will go eat it again next time.
Luxury Good No. 1
Curly Choc Donut
<<< Luxury Good No. 2
Oh yar, the reason it was free is because of Faith. She said that she will treat me KK and ask me to just go buy and eat.
Thanks Faithie, I'll be sending you the bills soon.
Old Style Choc Donut

After eating the donuts, I suddenly felt a touch of divinity. So I walked all my way to 黃大仙 temple which is beside 黃大仙 MTR.

Anyway, it was just an ordinary temple. But i wonder why does it have so many people there during a normal weekday.
After eating the donuts, I suddenly felt a touch of divinity. So I walked all my way to 黃大仙 temple which is beside 黃大仙 MTR.
Anyway, it was just an ordinary temple. But i wonder why does it have so many people there during a normal weekday.
Strolled around the temple.
The 1st half of the chun lian that I asked the shifu to wrote came true today.
<<< "平步青雲"
now just have to see how "鴻福齊天" is gonna happen on me.
The Red Box.
I got lost somewhere near Kowloon Bay before I found this building.
Inside the Red Box is a mega shopping centre, got IKEA, SpotLight, Popular blah blah blah... all the big names all inside 1 building.
Lifesize Gundam, but no touching allowed.
Then I found this ice skating rim on its ?? floor. After walking so long while being lost, my legs were so tired, so I decided to 坐觀眾生.
I always like to do this when I was like primary school. Observing people and thinking what they thinking, and predict what will be their reaction to what is happening to them next.
Its pretty fun after you slowly get to understand how people think.

Anyway. while sitting there for 3 hours, I saw alot of relationships within and outside the rim.
Its pretty fun after you slowly get to understand how people think.
Anyway. while sitting there for 3 hours, I saw alot of relationships within and outside the rim.
There was this small girl's parents watching her learn how to walk on ice, with a gentle smile on their face.
Then got this guy hugging his gf and they skated in this position round and round the rim.
And there was this pair of girls trying to do doubles(雙人花式溜冰?), but they keep falling down. But they still kept trying. Not sure if they made it in the end, but they will feel accomplish no matter what.
And there was this pair of girls trying to do doubles(雙人花式溜冰?), but they keep falling down. But they still kept trying. Not sure if they made it in the end, but they will feel accomplish no matter what.
Then there was this incident that happened there. Basically, I said something which I would not have said in SG.

After the trip to kowloon bay, I went back to Yau Ma Te( which I always relate to YaMaTe) to have my dinner.
After the trip to kowloon bay, I went back to Yau Ma Te( which I always relate to YaMaTe) to have my dinner.
Then I decided to buy a duno-what-is-it-called, since my head was getting very cold whenever I sleep.
<<< 屯門色魔
<<< 屯門色魔
please shave...=( u look really ugly..
from xiu and xinyi
wow ur nike tick in italics sia
it's called a beanie -yawn-
but it'll make ur hair chui after wearing it -yawn x2-
and my classmate uses it to hide his receding hairline -yawn x7-
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