Thursday, February 21, 2008

Land Econs Class

This is our land econs tutorial class. The people are either sleeping or stoning. And I was so bored that I started rotating my yesterday's pictures and taking pictures.

Starting with the 3 girls beside me.

Amber, Candy, Nancy (L2R)

They are all from Poly, then went to HKU.

Unknown, Carol, Alice

and 不要懷疑, the one standing is the tutor, trying to talk about his ppt, while his students and posing and making noise.

Alex, Carrian, Tony (L2R)

I hope I got the names right man...

I can only figure out 1 guy here, which is benny. This friday's class outing is also organized by him.

There are still another half of the class, but they are not in this tutorial tho.

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