The 2nd High Table Dinner is about the same as the 1st, just that is not that grand anymore.
So its just eat, tok cock, speech, tok cock, take photo, tok cock, byebye.
This time round there is translation provided for the speech.
But the translation...
For every sentence I hear the speaker spoke, I only heard 1 word from the translator. That's how bad it is. ~_~
There are a few good translator though, like Martin, my neighbour. But maybe that is because he is from the states.
While I was listening to the translator, I was so bored that I went to look at my pants.
This was when I made a big discovery!
My Domanji pants bought in Singapore actually has the same fabric and pattern as my shirt I bought at Kui Fong.
The poor Cloth siblings got seperated by the evil Scissors, finally got united again on me.
Happy Ending.
This is the speaker. There is another clearer picture featuring the 7th floor guys and this guy, but I haven got it yet.
Anyway, I duno his full name, but his surname is Yee. I know I seen him on some jacky chan movie, always the bad guys.
The topic was about Personal Privacy and Security. And yes, the topic revolves around edison case as a background.
I duno what he was talking about in details, but these are the keywords I heard from the translators: Public, Freedom, Curiosity, Speech, Political.
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