cos she's going japan with her friends during that period. some rich woman eh.
how i hope i can be like my parents, travelling and doing stuff they like when they are old.
like what they always say, work hard when u are young, and you can relax when you are old.
but i doubt i will be like them though.
Although I hoped that I was able to finance this entire trip myself, the most I can fork up is like 60% of it, from all the odd jobs and free lance I saved up. I can say that I am pretty spenthrift over here, even though I went to a few other neighbouring countries. But I still owe it to my parents that I am able to enjoy all these stuff.
I have friends that say majority of Singaporeans are like us, come on, you really think so? you really think that majority of 20+ are able to travel around the world like this? Its just that your social circle consist of these people. There are people out there working their shit off at our age, just so their parents can have a normal life or to let their younger siblings go to school.
When the Guangzhou sales girl asked me where I was from, and I told her I was from Singapore and studying in HKU, she was like how envious, you can see the genuine feelings in her eyes. There was no chance she or her family could provide her with such luxury. I told her, "努力工作,以後就有機會了.", come to think of it, I doubt so, but I guess it was still the right thing to say. Her children might have the chance if she did work hard. If not, it will be of a viscous cycle.
This post shouldn't be about ranting, so I am going to cover this post, but still available for me to see this it in the future.
Anyway, this post is dedicated to you, ma.

APRIL 22th!!! My poor memory problem strikes again... I keep thinking is april 24th, i wonder whose it is now. April got too many ppl birthday liao, maybe I should download a birthday program or watever.
my birthday also coming! i want present! haha. anything also can.. except porn magazine!
this entry is so sweet!(:
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