We woke up early, dress up, and off we go to...
THE ZOO.....
On the way, we played daidee on the mrt. I think the people there must be looking weirdly at us thinking:"wtf are these ppl doing? digging nose and playing cards at the same time!?!"
OK.. I am not a zoo person, so basically, I was there just looking around and chilling out.
So these are 5 random animals that I took pictures of.
Flying turtle. or tortoise. I duno.
Yesterday(the day before I was writing this post, which is like 1 month later), I was so bored that I watched National Geographical Channel, and it was showing a documentary about snakes. Really interesting, should watch more of these stuff in the future. But guess I am too lazy to watch TV in SG.
After the documentary, all I can say, people living in India's farms are really suai siao, everyday got 3 ppl die becos of snake bites.
After the zoo trip, we decided to try out the Mao Kong Cable. It brings us somewhere up the mountains which has nothing.
While we were up there, we saw this trail that seem to lead to somewhere, so we just started trekking. Pretty much my style of traveling, but this time with some people accompanying me.
In the end, it was really a random trail, a very very long random trail. We made it to a peak of a mountain, which was still not the end. But we were too shag out and it was getting dark, so we walked back.
That's Ri Huang, not me. Just in case any reader out there has a hobby of saving my pictures in your hard disk.
After we meet up with the girls, Girl no.2 decided to go look for 楊宗偉 in a club that he used to sang when he was still unpopular. Those who follow taiwan pop culture will know who he is. At this point, I truly understand why the guys say they are naive and sheltered.
So the guys, being very mature and interested in politics, decided to watch the 造勢晚會, cos it was the last night to pull for votes.
After walking around in circles and eating dou jiang for 2 hours, we finally found our way there.
You know you are near when you see people mountain people sea.

This would be a pretty nice picture if I got just abit lower and better camera.

Taking pictures with random Taiwanese.
You know you are near when you see people mountain people sea.
This would be a pretty nice picture if I got just abit lower and better camera.
Taking pictures with random Taiwanese.
(still lose though...)
After that, we tried looking for a club or pub for like 4 hours, but to no avail. You really need a tour guide or local to bring you to those places man.
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